Merton H. Miller, 1923-2000
Merton H. Miller shared the Nobel memorial prize in 1990 with Harry Markowitz and William Sharpe.
Major Works of Merton H. Miller
- "Built-In Flexibility" with R. A. Musgrave, 1948, AER
- "An Income Effect of Changing Interest Rates", with M. I. White, 1951, Public
- "A Model of Optimal Programming of Railway Freight Train Movements",
with A. Charnes, 1956, Management Science
- "Mathematical Programming and the Evaluation of Freight Shipment Systems"
with A. Charnes, 1957, Naval Research Logistics Quart.
- "The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment", 1958,
with F. Modigliani, AER
- "An Application of Linear Programming to Financial Budgeting and the Costing of
Funds" with A. Charnes and W. W. Cooper, 1959, J of Business
- "The Carnegie Tech Management Game", with K. Cohen, et al., 1960, J
of Business
- "Dividend Policy, Growth and the Valuation of Shares" with F. Modigliani,
1961, J of Business
- "Corporate Income Taxes and the Cost of Capital: A correction", with
F. Modigliani, 1963, AER.
- "The Corporation Income Tax and Corporate Financial
Policies" 1963, in Stabilization Policies.
- "Horizon Rules for a Class of Stochastic Planning Problems" with A. Charnes and
J. Dreze, 1966, Econometrica
- "Some Estimates of the Cost of Capital in the Electric Utility Industry", with
F. Modigliani, 1966, J of Business
- "A Model of the Demand for Money by Firms", with D. Orr, 1966, QJE
- "A Model of the Demand for Money by Firms: Extensions of Analytical Results",
with D. Orr, 1968, J of Finance
- The Theory of Finance, with E.F. Fama, 1972
- Macroeconomics: A Neoclassical Introduction, with C. Upton, 1974
- "Leasing, Buying and the Cost of Capital Services" with C. Upton, 1976,
J of Finance
- "Debt and Taxes", 1977, J of Finance
- "An Approach to the Regulation of Bank Holding Companies", with F. Black and R.
A. Posner,1978, J of Business
- "The Stochastic Properties of Velocity and the Quantity Theory of Money"
with J. P. Gould, C. R. Nelson, and C. Upton, 1978, J of Monetary Economics.
- "Prices for State-Contingent Claims: Some Estimates and Applications"
with R. Banz, 1978, Journal of Business
- "Dividends and Taxes" with M. Scholes, 1978, J
of Financial Economics
- "Dividends and Taxes: Some empirical evidence" with M. Scholes,
1982, J of Financial Economics
- "A Test of the Hotelling Valuation Principle" with C. Upton, 1985, JPE
- "Dividend Policy under Asymmetric Information" with K. Rock, 1985, J of
- "Behavioral Rationality in Finance: The Case of Dividends," 1986, J of
Business (Supp.)
- "Economic Costs and Benefits of the Proposed One-Minute Time Bracketing Regulation"
with S.J. Grossman, 1986, J of Futures Markets
- "Financial Innovation: The Last Twenty Years and the Next," 1986, J of
Financial and Quantitative Analysis
- "Liquidity and Market Structure", with S.J. Grossman,
1988, J of Finance
- "The Modigliani-Miller Propositions after Thirty Years," 1988, JEP
- "Margin Regulation and Stock Market Volatility" with D. Hsieh, 1990, J of
- "The Crash of 1987: Bubble or Fundamental?" 1990, in Pacific-Basin Capital Markets
- Financial Innovations and Market Volatility, 1991
- "Leverage",
1991, J of
- "Tax Obstacles to Voluntary Corporate Restructuring," 1991, J of Applied
Corporate Finance
- "Financial Innovation: Achievements and Prospects", 1992, J of
Applied Corporate Finance
- "Index Futures and Market Volatility: What Does the Evidence Show?", 1992, J
of Applied Corporate Finance
- "Index Arbitrage: Villain or Scapegoat" 1992, J of Financial Engineering
- "Are the Discounts on Closed-End Funds a Sentiment Index?" 1993, Journal of Finance
- "Is American Corporate Governance Fatally Flawed?", 1994, J of Applied Corporate Finance
- "Functional Regulation", 1994, Pacific Basin Finance Journal
- "Metallgesellschaft and the Economics of Synthetic Storage", with C. L.
Culp, 1995, J of Applied Corporate Finance
- "Do the M&M Propositions Apply to Banks?" 1995, J of Banking and Finance
- Merton Miller on Derivatives, 1997
- "Clustering and Competition in Asset Markets" with S. J. Grossman, K. R. Cone,
D. R. Fischel, and D. J. Ross, 1997, JLawE
- "The M&M Propositions after 40 Years," 1998, European Financial Management
- "Value at Risk: Uses and Abuses", with C.L. Culp and A. Neves, 1998, J of
Applied Corporate Finance
- "The Derivatives Revolution After Thirty Years", 1999, J of Portfolio Management
- "The History of Finance," 1999, J of Portfolio Management
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