John Eatwell, 1945-
John L. Eatwell, a.k.a. Rt.Hon. Lord Eatwell of Stratton St. Margaret,
Major works of John Eatwell
- "Mr Sraffa's Standard Commodity and the Rate of Exploitation", 1973, Ekonomiska
(trans. 1975, QJE)
- Introduction to Modern Economics, with J. Robinson,
- "The Interpretation of Ricardo's Essay on Profits",
1975, Economica.
- "Irving Fisher's Rate of Return over Cost and the Rate of
Profit in a Capitalistic Economy", 1976, in Brown et al., Essays in Modern Capital
- "The Irrelevance of Returns to Scale in Sraffa's
Analysis", 1977, JEL.
- Theories of Value, Output and Employment, 1979.
- "Competition", 1982, in Bradley and Howard, editors, Classical and Marxian
Political Economy.
- Whatever Happened to Britain? The economics of a decline. 1982.
- "The Long Period Theory of Unemployment", 1983, Cambridge JE
- "The Analytical Foundations of Monetarism", 1983, in Eatwell and Milgate,
- "Unemployment and the Market Mechanism", with M. Milgate, 1983, in Eatwell and
Milgate, 1983.
- editor, Keynes's Economics and the Theory of Value and Distribution, with M.
Milgate, 1983.
- editor, The New Palgrave: A dictionary of economics, with M. Milgate and P.
Newman, 1987.
Resources on John Eatwell
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