B. Douglas Bernheim, 1958-

Major Works of B. Douglas Bernheim
- "Rationalizable Strategic Behavior", 1984, Econometrica
- "Ricardian Equivalence: An evalution of theory and evidence", 1987, NBER
Macro Annual
- "The Strategic Bequest Motive", with A. Shleifer and L.H. Summers, 1985, JPE
- "Coalition Proof Nash Equilibrium I: Concepts", with B. Peleg
and M. Whinston, 1987, JET
- "Coalition Proof Nash Equilibrium II: Applications", with M. Whinston, 1987, JET
- "Collective Dynamic Consistency in Repeated Games", with D. Ray, 1989, Games
and Econ Beh
- "Is Everything Neutral?" with K. Bagwell
Resources on B.D. Bernheim
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