The Monetarists
See our Survey of Monetarism
for more details on this school of thought.
Early "Monetarists"
- Jacques Leon Rueff, 1896-
- Des sciences physiques aux sciences morales, 1922.
- Théorie des phénom鈩es Monetaires, 1927.
- "Mr Keynes's Views on the Transfer Problem", 1929, EJ
- "L'assurance-ch(゚mage cause du ch(゚mage permanente", 1931, Revue d'econ
- Epitre aux dirigistes, 1949.
- "Nouvelle discussion sur la ch(゚mage, les salaires et les prix", 1951, Revue
d'econ politique
- The Age of Inflation, 1963.
- Balance of Payments, 1965.
- la Reforme du systeme monetaire international, 1973.
- Politically influential French anti-Keynesian economist, with proto-Monetarist views on
both the cause of unemployment and its solution. In particular, Rueff blamed
labor unions in general -- and unemployment insurance in particular -- for the problem.
In 1929, Rueff was engaged with Keynes and Ohlin in the debate over the "transfer
problem". Called for a return to the gold standard in the post-war period.
- Lauchlin B. Currie, 1902-1993, (1)
- The Supply and Control of Money in the United States, 1934.
- Canadian-born, LSE-trained, Harvard
economist and proto-Monetarist. Currie was an advisor to F.D. Roosevelt during
World War II, where he was involved with the Lend-Lease Program with China. He
was later targeted by McCarthyites, and lost his US citizenship in 1954, thereafter moving
to Colombia.
The Monetarists of the Chicago School
Resources on Monetarism
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