進化経済学 (Evolutionary Economics)
- ジャン=バティスト・ド・ラマルク, 1744-1820.
- Zoological Philosophy: An exposition with regard to the natural history of animals,
- チャールズ・ダーウィン, 1809-1892
- The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, 1859.
- The Descent of Man
- イリヤ・プリゴジン
- "Order through Fluctuation: Self-organization and the social system", 1976, in
Jantsch and Waddington, editors, Evolution and Consciousness
- From Being to Becoming: Time and complexity in the physical sciences, 1980.
- Order Out of Chaos, with I. Stengers, 1984.
- Entre le Temps et l'Éternité, 1988.
- ジョン・メイナード・スミス
- On Evolution, 1972.
- "The Logic of Animal Conflict", with G.R. Price, Nature
- "The Theory of Games and the Evolution of Animal Conflicts", 1974, J of
Theoretical Biology
- The Theory of Evolution, 1975.
- "Group Selection", 1976, Quarterly Review of Biology
- The Evolution of Sex, 1978.
- "Optimization Theory in Evolution", 1978, Annual Review of Ecology and
- "The Concepts of Sociobiology", 1980, in Stent, editor, Morality as a
Biological Phenomenon
- Evolution and the Theory of Games, 1982.
- "How to Model Evolution", 1987, in Dupre, editor, The Latest on the Best
- Did Darwin Get it Right?, 1988.
- "Evolutionary Progress and Levels of Selection", 1988, in Nitecki, editor, Evolutionary
- 最先端の現代進化生物学者で、進化の概念を社会、政治、経済理論にまで広げようとした。「進化的安定戦略」 (ESS) の概念で、ゲーム理論にすさまじい影響を与える――そして逆に、ゲーム理論的な概念を導入して生物学の問題に適用。
- リチャード・ドーキンス
- The Selfish Gene, 1976.
- The Extended Phenotype: The gene as the unit of selection, 1982.
- The Blind Watchmaker, 1986.
- Clarence E. Ayres,
- フリードリッヒ・エンゲルス,
- Friedrich A. von Hayek,
- Sir John R.Hicks,
- Allyn A. Young, 1876-1929.
- W. Brian Arthur
- Richard H. Day
- Giovanni Dosi
- Ping Chen
- Peter S. Albin
- Duncan K. Foley, 1942-
- Robert Axtell
- Joshua Epstein
- Jess Benhabib
- William A. Brock
- Alan P. Kirman
- Thomas C. Schelling,
- Robert Axelrod
- Martin Shubik, 1926-
- Lawrence Blume
- H. Peyton Young, 1945-
- Dean Foster
- Drew Fudenberg
- George J. Mailath
- Larry Samuelson
- Kenneth Binmore
- Jürgen Weibull
免責条項、© 2002-2004 Gonçalo L. Fonseca, Leanne Ussher, 山形浩生