Richard Whately, 1787-1863.

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Oxford philosopher, educator, theologian, social reformer and economist. Whately's 1826 text was perhaps the first English treatise to provide a vigorous defense of logic as a field of study. His 1826 text on rhetoric was no less influential and continues to be read even today. In 1831, he left Oxford to became the (Anglican) Archbishop of Dublin. A proponent of liberal theology, Whately actively supported Catholic emancipation and (even more radically), the granting of civil rights to Jews.

An opponent of Ricardian theory, Whately's 1832 work contained the rudiments of a subjective theory of value. In opposition to the labor theory of value, Whately argued that, "It is not that pearls fetch a high price because men have dived for them; but on the contrary, men dive for them because they fetch a high price." Whately also argued, famously, that economics be should be re-baptized as catallactics, the "science of exchanges".

Whately can be regarded the "founder" of the Oxford-Dublin school of proto-Marginalists. In 1832, he set up the Whately Chair in Political Economy at Trinity College, Dublin, which would later serve as a perch for like-minded economists, such as Longfield. Whately also happened to have been Senior's tutor at Oxford.

Major Works of Richard Whately

Resources on Richard Whately
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