Joseph E. Stiglitz, 1942-
Major Works of Joseph E. Stiglitz
- "A Note on Technical Choice Under Full Employment in a Socialist
Economy", 1968, EJ
- "Output, Employment, and Wages in the Short
Run" with R.M. Solow, 1968, QJE
- "The Effects of Income, Wealth, and Capital Gains Taxation on
Risk-Taking", 1969, QJE
- "Capital Gains, Income, and
Saving" with K. Shell and M. Sidrauski,
1969, RES
- "A Re-Examination of the
Modigliani邦iller Theorem", 1969, REStat
- "Allocation of Heterogeneous Capital Goods in a Two-Sector
Economy", 1969, IER
- "Rural剖rban Migration, Surplus Labour, and the Relationship Between Urban and Rural
Wages", 1969, Eastern Africa ER
- "Behavior Towards Risk with Many
Commodities", 1969, Econometrica
- "Distribution of Income and Wealth Among
Individuals", 1969, Econometrica
- "The Implications of Alternative Saving and Expectations Hypotheses for Choices of Technique and Patterns of
Growth" with D. Cass, 1969, JPE
- "The Structure of Investor Preferences and Asset Returns and Separability in
Portfolio Allocation", with D. Cass, 1970, JET
- "A Consumption-Oriented Theory of the Demand for Financial Assets and the Term
Structure of Interest Rates", 1970, RES.
- "Non-Substitution Theorems with Durable Capital
Goods", 1970, RES
- "Factor Price Equalization in a Dynamic
Economy", 1970, JPE
- "Increasing Risk I:
A definition", with M. Rothschild, 1970, JET.
- "Increasing Risk II:
Its economic consequences", with M. Rothschild, 1971, JET.
- "Differential Taxation, Public Goods, and Economic
Efficiency", with P.S. Dasgupta, 1971, RES
- "On the Optimality of the Stock Market Allocation of
Investment", 1972, QJE
- "Some Aspects of the Pure Theory of Corporate Finance: Bankruptcies and Take-overs",
1972, Bell JE
- "The Structure of Indirect Taxation and Economic
Efficiency" with A.B. Atkinson, 1972, JPubE
- "Portfolio Allocation with Many Risky Assets, Parts
I, Part II,
Part III, Part
IV", 1972, in Szego and Shell, editors, Mathematical Methods in Investment and
- "Taxation, Corporate Financial Policy, and the Cost of Capital",
1973, JPubE
- "Some Further Results on the Measurement of
Inequality" with M. Rothschild, 1973, JET.
- "Approaches to the Economics of
Discrimination", 1973, AER
- "Risk Aversion and Wealth Effects on Portfolios with Many
Assets", with D. Cass, 1973, RES
- "On the Irrelevance of Corporate Financial Policy", 1974, AER.
- "Incentives and Risk-Sharing in Sharecropping", 1974, RES.
- "Increases in Risk and Risk-Aversion" with P.A.Diamond,
1974, JET.
- "Benefit-Cost Analysis and Trade Policies", with P.S. Dasgupta,
1974, JPE
- "Alternative Theories of Wage Determination and Unemployment in LDC's: The Labor Turnover
Model", 1974, QJE
- "The Cambridge砲ambridge Controversy in the Theory of
Capital: A View from New Haven", 1974, JPE
- "Incentives and Risk Sharing in
Sharecropping", 1974, RES
- "The Design of Tax Structure: Direct versus indirect taxation", with A.B.
Atkinson, 1976, JPublicE.
- "Equilibrium in Competitive Insurance Markets: The economics of markets with
imperfect information", with M. Rothschild, 1976, QJE.
- "The Efficiency Wage Hypothesis, Surplus Labour and the Distribution of Income in
LDCs", 1976, Oxford EP.
- "Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity", with A.K. Dixit, 1977, AER
- "Monopoly Non-Linear Pricing and Imperfect Information: The insurance market",
1977, RES.
- Lectures in Public Economics, 1980
- "On the Impossibility of Informationally Efficient Markets", with S.J. Grossman, 1980, AER.
- "Industrial Structure and the Nature of Innovative Activity", with P.S. Dasgupta, 1980, JPE
- The Theory of Commodity Price Stabilization, with D.M.G. Newbery, 1981.
- "Credit Rationing in Markets with Imperfect Information", with A. Weiss, 1981,
- "Ownership, Control and Efficient Markets: Some paradoxes in the theory of capital
markets", 1982, in Boyer and Shepherd, editors, Economic Regulation.
- "Money, Credit Constraints and Economic Activity", with A.S. Blinder, 1983, AER.
- "Incentive Effects of Termination" with A. Weiss, 1983, AER.
- "Informational Imperfections and Macroeconomic Fluctuations" with B.C.
Greenwald and A.M.Weiss, 1984, AER.
- "Equilibrium Unemployment as a Worker Discipline Device" with C. Shapiro,
1984, AER.
- "Labor Turnover, Wage Structures and Moral Hazard: The inefficiency of competitive
markets", with R. Arnott, 1985, JLaborE.
- "Credit Markets and Control of Capital", 1985, JMCB.
- "Theories of Wage Rigidities", 1986, in Butkiewicz et al., editors, Keynes's
Economic Legacy.
- "Externalities in Economies with Imperfect Information and Incomplete
Markets", with B.C. Greenwald, 1986, QJE.
- "Credit Rationing and Collateral", with A. Weiss, 1986, in Edwards et al.,
editors, Recent Developments in Corporate Finance.
- "The Causes and Consequences of the Dependence of Quality on Price", 1987, JEL.
- "Credit Rationing with Many Borrowers", with A. Weiss, 1987, AER.
- "Keynesian, New Keynesian and New Classical Economics", with B.C. Greenwald,
1987, Oxford EP.
- "Imperfect Information, Finance Constraints and Business Fluctuations", with
B.C. Greenwald, 1988, in Kohn and Tsiang, editors, Financial Constraints, Expectations
and Macroeconomics.
- "Money, Imperfect Information and Economic Fluctuations" with B.C. Greenwald,
1988, in Kohn and Tsiang, editors, Financial Constraints, Expectations and
- "Credit Rationing" with D.M. Jaffee, 1990, in Friedman and Hahn, Handbook
of Monetary Economics.
- "New and Old Keynesians", with B.C. Greenwald, 1993, JEP.
- "Bad Private-Sector Decisions",
1998, Wall Street Journal
- "What I Learned
at the World Economic Crisis: The Insider:", 2000, New Republic
Resources on Joseph E. Stiglitz
- HET Pages: Riskiness
- Press
Releases of 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize
- Nobel
Memorial Prize 2001 website
- "Information for the Public"
and "Advanced
Information to the Public" (PDF) at Nobel Foundation
- Columbia
University Press Release
- "Joseph Stiglitz Wins Nobel Prize for Economics: Third
Economist to Win Prize in Six Years" by James Devitt, Columbia
- "Columbia University
Hires Star Economist" by Louis Uchitelle, New York Times
- Citation on induction into NAS
- World Bank Chief
Economist Stiglitz Page -- including recent speeches and articles of Joe
- Joseph
Stiglitz's Biography at the World Bank
- Another
Stiglitz Bio at the World Bank
Frontline Interview with Stiglitz
- Region's
Interview with Stiglitz
- "Stiglitz vs. the
IMF: Another View" - Rudiger Dornbusch's letter to the editor of
the New Republic
- ・a href="">The Paternalistic Attitude of the North Must Change・ Why Joseph Stiglitz Retired from the World Bank",
by Development & Cooperation, 2000 (at DSE).
- "Review
of Stiglitz's Wither Socialism" by Peter Boettke, 1996, JEL
- Remarks
at Paris Ministerial on OECD's Future, by J.E. Stiglitz, May, 22, 1996.
- Written Testimony
for the Joint Economic Committee of Congress by J.E. Stiglitz, February 10th, 1997
- Announcement of Stiglitz's Nancy
Schwartz Lecture at Northwestern
- Review
of Stiglitz book proposal: The Economic Role of the State by J. Brad de
Long, 1999
- Stiglitz Page at Laura Forgette
- "Stiglitz, Maverick World Bank Economist, Pushed Out",
by Soren Ambrose at 50 Years Is Enough Network
- "Unemployed Can't Bank on
Stiglitz: More of the Same From the World Bank" by Mercia Andrews and George Dor
at Global Policy Forum
- Departure
of Stiglitz from Financial Times
- "Joseph E. Stiglitz (1943 - )
Die Informations(゚konomik und die Unvollkommenheiten der M舐kte"
by Eva Terberger-Stoy & Marcel Tyrell
- Short
Biographical sketch of Stiglitz
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