根岸 隆 (Takashi Negishi), 1933-

根岸隆ほど高名で多用な活躍を見せた経済学者は少ない。新ワルラス派一般均衡理論の「ヒックス派」世代に属する根岸は、1960 年代初期に(まだ大学院生時代に!)新ワルラス派体系に関する研究で勇名をはせた。根岸の功績は、多市場新ワルラス派体系をいくつかの方向に拡張させて、不完全競争、安定性、マネー、貿易、失業などの課題を取り込もうと試みたことだ――そしてその結果として、伝統的な理論の限界を発見して記述するのに貢献したことだった。
根岸の 1960 年論文は、厚生経済学の第二基本定理を通じて均衡の存在を証明する斬新な手法を提供した。これは後の経済学者たち(特に無限財世界に取り組んでいる学者たち)が活用して大いに成果をあげたものだ。1961 年の論文は、一般均衡に不完全競争を持ち込もうとするものだったが、これはあまり成功しなかった。でもそれは、ワルラス体系における非凸性 (non-convexities) に関わる問題をはっきり示していた。かれのワルラス均衡に関する 安定性の問題も同じく驚異的だった。1958 年の論文は、模索過程安定性の条件を単なる粗代替性に還元し、1962 年のハーンとの共著論文では、非模索過程安定性の「ハーン過程」を導入した。安定性に関する 1962 年のサーベイ論文は、その道の権威と見なされている。
- "A Note on the Stability of an Economy where All Goods are Gross Substitutes",
1958, Econometrica.
- "Welfare Economics and Existence of an Equilibrium for a Competitive Economy",
1960, Metroeconomica.
- "On the Formation of Prices", 1961, IER.
- "Monopolistic Competition and General Equilibrium", 1961, RES.
- "A Theorem on Non-Tatonnement Stability", with F.H.Hahn,
1962, Econometrica.
- "On the Successive Barter Process", 1962, ESQ.
- "Stability of a Competitive Economy: A survey article", 1962, Econometrica.
- "Entry and the Optimal Number of Firms", 1962, Metroeconomica.
- "On Social Welfare Function", 1963, QJE.
- "Conditions for Neutral Money", 1964, RES.
- "The Stability of Exchange and Adaptive Expectations", 1964, IER.
- "Stability and Rationality of Extrapolative Expectations", 1964, Econometrica.
- "Conditions for Neutral Money", 1964, RES.
- "Market-Clearing Processes in a Monetary Economy", 1965 in Hahn and Brechling,
editors, Theory of Interest Rates.
- "Foreign Investment and the Long-Run National Advantage", 1965, ESQ.
- "Equilibrium and Efficiency in International Trade with Costs of
Transportation", 1965, ESQ.
- "The Perceived Demand Curve in the Theory of Second Best", 1967, RES.
- "Approaches to the Analysis of Devaluation", 1968, IER.
- "Protection of the Infant Industry and Dynamic Internal Economies", Econ
- "Marshallian External Economies and the Gains from Trade between Similar
Countries", 1969, RES.
- "Domestic Distortions, Tariffs and the Theory of the Optimum Subsidy", with
M.C. Kemp, 1969, JPE.
- "The Customs Union and the Theory of Second Best", 1969, IER.
- "Increasing Returns, Imperfect Competition and International Trade", 1969, ESQ.
- "Variable Returns to Scale, Commodity Taxes, Factor Market Distortions and their
Implications for Trade Gains", with M.C.Kemp, 1970, Swedish JE.
- "Dynamics of Public Exenditure in a Two-Party System", 1971, ZfN.
- General Equilibrium Theory and International Trade, 1972.
- "Public Expenditure Determined by Voting with One's Feet and Fiscal Profitability", 1972, Swedish JE.
- "The Excess of Public Expenditures on Industries", 1973, JPubE.
- "Stability of Markets with Public Goods: A case of gross substitutability",
1973, in Horwich and Samuelson, editor, Trade Stability and Macroeconomics.
- "Involuntary Unemployment and Market Imperfection", 1974, ESQ.
- "Excess of Productive Public Expenditures", 1976, ZfN.
- "Macroeconomics", 1976, in Artis and Nobay, editors, Essays in Economic Analysis.
- "Money in Walrasian General Equilibrium Theory", 1977, Econ Appliquee.
- "Price Rigidity, Full Employment and Inflaiton: A general equilibrium analysis", 1977, Homage a Perroux.
- "Existence of an Under-Employment Equilibrium", 1977, in G. Schwodiauer,
editor, Equilibrium and Disequilibrium in Economic Theory.
- "Foreign Exchange Gains in a Keynesian Model of International Trade", 1979, Economie Appliquee.
- Microeconomic Foundations of Keynesian Macroeconomics, 1979.
- "From Samuelson's Stability Analysis to Non-Walrasian Economics", 1982, in Feiwel, editor, Samuelson and Neoclassical Economics.
- Economic Theories in a Non-Walrasian Tradition, 1985.
- History of Economic Thought, 1989.
免責条項、© 2002-2004 Gonçalo L. Fonseca, Leanne Ussher, 山形浩生, TNX to 篠塚友一