John Maurice Clark, 1884-1963
Major works of John Maurice Clark
- Standards and Reasonableness in Local Freight Discriminations, 1910.
- "Rates for Public Utilities",
1911, AER
- "Frontiers of Regulation and What Lies Beyond",
1913, AER
- "Review
of Pigou's Wealth and Welfare", 1913, AER
- "Possible Complications of the Compensated Dollar"
(?), 1913, AER
- "Some Neglected Phases of Rate
Regulation", 1914, AER
- "Business Acceleration and the Law of Demand", 1917, JPE
- "The Basis of War-Time Collectivism",
1917, AER
- "Economic Theory in an Era of Social
Readjustment", 1919, AER
- "Soundings
in Non-Euclidian Economics", 1921, AER - discussion
- The Economics of Overhead Costs, 1923.
- Social Control of Business, 1926.
- The Costs of the World War to the American People, 1931.
- "Capital Production and Consumer Taking - A reply", 1931, JPE
- Strategic Factors in Business Cycles, 1934.
- The Economics of Planning Public Works, 1935.
- Preface to Social Economics, 1936.
- "Toward a Concept of Workable Competitition", 1940, AER
- An Alternative to Sefdom, 1948.
- The Ethical Basis of Economic Freedom, 1955.
- Competition as a Dynamic Process, 1961.
Resources on John M. Clark
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