Edmond Malinvaud, 1923-

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E. Malinvaud

Trained at the Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Economique (ENSAE) in Paris, the eclectic Malinvaud was, together with Debreu, a student of France's greatest Walrasian economist, Maurice Allais. He presently works at the Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE) in France. In 1950, Malinvaud left Allais to join the Cowles Commission in the United States.

At Cowles, Malinvaud produced work in many directions. His famous article, "Capital Accumulation and the Efficient Allocation of Resources" (1953), incorporated an intertemporal theory of capital into a very natural place in Walrasian general equilibrium theory and helped resolve the old capital theory conflict between Knight and Hayek (and, in part, kept G.E. immune from the later Cambridge Capital Controversy), as well as introducing the concept of dynamic efficiency.

He also worked on uncertainty theory, notably the theory of "first order certainty equivalence" (1969) and the relationship between individual risks and social risks (1972, 1973). His 1971 microeconomics textbook and his Cowles-inspired econometrics textbook, Statistical Methods in Econometrics, has since become classics.

Malinvaud's main contribution to macroeconomics is represented in his slim 1977 book, Theory of Unemployment Reconsidered which provided a clear and unified reconstruction of the dynamic "disequilibrium" macro theory of Clower, Leijonhufvud and the European "Non-Walrasian" theory. Malinvaud's influence on the subsequent generation of French economists has been profound.

Major works of Edmond Malinvaud

Resources on E. Malinvaud

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