Harry G. Johnson, 1923-1979
Major works of Harry G. Johnson
- "Optimum Tariffs and Retaliation", 1954, RES.
- International Trade and Economic Growth: Studies in pure theory, 1958.
- "The Cost of Protection and the Scientific Tariff", 1960, JPE.
- "Monetary Theory and Policy", 1962, AER.
- Economic Policies Towards Less-Developed Countriess, 1967.
- Essays in Monetary Economics, 1967.
- "Inside Money, Outside Money, Income, Wealth and Welfare in Monetary Theory",
1969, JMCB.
- "The Effects of Unionization on the Distribution of Income: A General Equilibrium
Approach", with Peter M. Mieszkowski, 1970, QJE
- Aspects of the Theory of Tariffs, 1971.
- "The Keynesian Revolution and the Monetarist Counter-Revolution", 1971, AER.
- "The Monetary Approach to Balance-of-Payments Theory", 1972, Journal of
Financial Quantitative Analysis.
- Further Essays on Monetary Economics, 1973.
- On Economics and Society, 1975.
Resources on H.G. Johnson
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