Alvin H. Hansen, 1887-1975.
Major works of Alvin H. Hansen
- "Shifting the War
Burden" with L.H. Haney, 1921, AER
- "Cycles
of Strikes", 1921, AER
- Business Cycle Theory, 1927.
- "A Fundamental Error in Keynes's Treatise", 1932, AER
- Economic Stabilisation in an Unbalanced World, 1932.
- "Mr. Keynes on Underemployment Equilibrium", 1936, JPE
- Full Recovery or Stagnation?, 1938.
- "Economic Progress and Declining Population Growth", 1939, AER
- Fiscal Policy and Business Cycles, 1941.
- Economic Policy and Full Employment, 1946.
- "Some Notes on Terborgh's "The Bogey of Economic Maturity"", 1946, REStat
- "Dr. Burns on Keynesian Economics", 1947, RES
- "The General Theory", 1947, in Harris, editor, New Economics
- "Keynes on Economic Policy", 1947, in Harris, editor, New Economics
- Monetary Theory and Fiscal Policy, 1949.
- "The Pigouvian Effect", 1951, JPE.
- A Guide to Keynes, 1953.
- The Dollar and the International Monetary System, 1965.
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