Franklin M. Fisher, 1934-
Major works of Franklin M. Fisher
- "The Stability of Cournot Oligopoly Solution: The effects of speeds of adjustment
and increasing marginal costs", 1961, RES.
- A Priori Information and Time Series Analysis, 1962.
- "On the Cost of Approximate Specification in Simultaneous Equations
Estimation", 1961, Econometrica.
- "The Cost of Automobile Model Changes since 1949", 1962, JPE.
- A Study in Econometrics: The demand for electricity in the United States, with C.
Kayesen, 1962.
- Supply and Costs in the United States Petroleum, 1964.
- The Identification Problem in Economics, 1966.
- "The Existence of Aggregate Production Functions", 1969, Econometrica.
- "Quasi-Competitive Price Adjustment by Individual Firms", 1970, JET.
- "Gross Substitutes and the Utility Function", 1972, JET.
- The Economic Theory of Price Indices, with K. Shell,
- "On Price Adjustment without an Auctioneer", 1972, RES.
- "Stability and Competitive Equilibrium in Two Models of Search and Individual Price
Adjustment", 1973, JET.
- "The Hahn Process with Firms but No Production", 1974, Econometrica.
- "A Non-Tatonnement Model with Production and Consumption", 1976, Econometrica.
- "The Stability of General Equilibrium: Results and problems", 1976, in Artis
and Nobay, editors, Essays in Economic Analysis.
- "Continuously Dated Commodities and Non-Tatonnement with Production and
Consumption", 1977, in Blinder and Friedman, editors, Natural Reserouces,
Uncertainty and G.E. Systems.
- "Diagnosing Monopoly", 1979, Quarterly Review of Economics and Business.
- "Stability, Disequilibrium Awareness and the Perception of New Opportunities",
1981, Econometrica.
- Disequilibrium Foundations of Equilibrium Economics, 1983.
- Microeconomics:
Essays in Theory and Applications
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