Robert Eisner, 1922-1998
Major works of Robert Eisner
- Determinants of Capital Expenditures: An interview study, 1956.
- "The Permanent Income Hypothesis: Comment", 1958,AER
- "On Growth Models and the Neo-Classical Resurgence", 1958, EJ
- "A Distributed Lag Investment Function", 1960, Econometrica
- "Investment Plans and Realizations", 1962, AER
- "Determinants of Business Investment", with R.H. Strotz, 1963, in Impacts
of Monetary Policy
- "Investment: Fact and fancy", 1963, AER
- "Capital Expenditures, Profits and the Acceleration Principle", 1964, in Models
of Income Determination
- "Capacity, Investment and Profits", 1964, QJE
- "Realization of Investment Anticipations", 1965, in Duesenberry et al,
editors, Brookings Quarterly Model
- "The Permanent Income Theory for Investment: Some empirical explorations",
1967, AER
- "Investment Behavior and Neoclassical Theory", with M.I. Nadiri, 1968, RES
- "Investment and the Frustrations of Econometricians", 1969, AER
- "Components of Capital Expenditure: Replacement and modernization versus
expansion", 1972, REStat
- "Total Income, Total Expenditure and Growth", 1980, AER
- "Limitations and Potential s of Countercyclical Fiscal and Monetary Policies",
1980, in Business Cycle and Public Policy
Resources on Robert Eisner
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