James S. Duesenberry, 1918-

Major works of James S. Duesenberry
- "Income-Consumption Relations and their Implications", 1948, in Metzler,
editor, Income, Employment and Public Policy.
- Income, Saving and the Theory of Consumer Behavior, 1949.
- "The Mechanics of Inflation", 1950, REStat.
- "The Methodological Basis of Economic Theory", 1954, REStat
- Business Cycles and Economic Growth, 1958.
- "Underlying Factors in the Post-War Inflation",1959, in
Myers, editor, Wages, Prices, Profits and Productivity
- Cases and Problems in Economics, 1960.
- "A Simulation of the U.S. Economy in Recession", with O. Eckstein
and G. Fromm, 1960, Econometrica
- "A Process Approach to Flow-of-Funds Analysis", 1962, in Flow-of-Funds
Approach to Social Accounting
- "The Portfolio Approach to the Demand for Money and Other Assets", 1963, REStat
- The Brookings Quarterly Econometric Model of the United States,
with L. Klein and G. Fromm, 1965
- Money and Credit: Impact and control, 1967.
- "Alternatives to Monetary Policy", 1974, AER
- Money, Banking and the Economy, with T. Mayer, and R.Z. Aliber, 1984?
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