オリヴィエ・J・ブランシャール (Olivier J. Blanchard), 1948-

- "Wage indexing Rules and the Behavior of the Economy", 1979, JPE
- "Backward and Forward Solutions for Economies with Rational Expectations",
1979, AER
- "Speculative Bubbles, Crashes and Rational Expectations", 1979, Econ
- "The Monetary Mechanism in the Light of Rational Expectations", 1980, in
Fischer, editor, Rational Expectations and Economic Policy.
- "The Solution of Linear Difference Models under Rational Expectations", with
C. Kahn, 1980, Econometrica
- "Output, the Stock Market and Interest Rates", 1981, AER
- "What is Left of the Multiplier Accelerator?", 1981, AER
- "Bubbles, Rational Expectations and Financial Markets", with M. Watson, 1982,
in Wachtel, editor, Crises in the Economic and Financial Structure.
- "An Intertemporal Equilibrium Model of Saving and Investment", with A. Abel,
1983, Econometrica
- "The Production and Inventory Behavior of the U.S. Automobile Industry", 1983,
- "Dynamic Effects of a Shift in Savings: the Role of Firms", 1983, Econometrica
- "Price Asynchronization and Price Level Inertia", 1983, Dornbusch and
Simonsenm editors, Inflation, Debt and Indexation
- "Current and Anticipated Deficits, Interest Rates and Economic Activity",
1984, European ER
- "The Lucas Critique and the Volcker Deflation", 1984, AER
- "Perspectives on High World Interest Rates", with L. Summers, 1984, BPEA
- "Credibility, Disinflation and Gradualism", 1985, Econ Letters
- "Deficits, Debt and Finite Horizons", 1985, JPE
- "The Expected Present Discounted Value of Profits and the Cyclical Variability of
Investment", with A. Abel, 1986, Econometrica
- "The Wage Price Spiral", 1986, QJE
- "Methods of Solution for Dynamic Rational Expectations Models: A Survey",
1986, J of Mathem Programming
- "Hysteresis and European Unemployment", with L. Summers, 1986, NBER Macro
- "Fiscal Increasing Returns, Hysteresis, Real Wages and Unemployment", with L.
Summers, 1987, Euro ER
- "Hysteresis in Unemployment" with L. Summers, 1987, Euro ER
- "Aggregate and Individual Price Adjustment", 1987, BPEA
- "Monopolistic Competition and the Effects of Aggregate Demand" with N.
Kiyotaki, 1987, AER
- "Consumption: Beyond Certainty Equivalence," with N.G. Mankiw,
1988, AER
- "Beyond the Natural Rate Hypothesis" with L. Summers, 1988, AER
- Lectures on Macroeconomics, with S. Fischer, 1989.
- "The Dynamic Effects of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Shocks" with D.
Quah, 1989, AER
- "The Beveridge Curve", with P. Diamond, 1989, BPEA
- "A Traditional Interpretation of Macroeconomic Fluctuations", 1989, AER
- "Money and Output: A Survey", 1990, in Friedman and Hahn, editors, Handbook
of Monetary Economics
- "Wage Bargaining and Unemployment Persistence", 1991, JMCB
- "The Flow Approach to Labor Markets", with P. Diamond,
1992, AER
- "Regional Evolutions", with L. Katz, 1992, BPEA
- "The Stock Market, Profit and Investment", with C. Rhee and L. Summers, 1993, QJE
- "Movements in the Equity Premium", 1993, BPEA
- "The Debt Burden and Debt Maturity", with A. Missale, 1994, AER.
- "Ranking, Unemployment Duration and Wage Determination", with P. Diamond, 1994, RES.
- "Theoretical Aspects of Transition", 1996, AER
- "What We Know and Do Not Know About the Natural Rate of Unemployment", with L.
Katz, 1997, JEP
- "Is There a Usable Core of Macroeconomics?", 1997, AER.
- The Economics of Post communist transition, 1997
- "What do we know about Macroeconomics that Fisher and Wicksell did not?",
2000, QJE
免責条項、© 2002-2004 Gonçalo L. Fonseca, Leanne Ussher, 山形浩生