ハーバート・E・スカーフ (Herbert E. Scarf), 1930-

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Prominent Yale economist who pioneered the use of numeric algorithms to facilitate the "computation" of equilibrium in general equilibrium systems. His approximation method to fixed points using simplicial subdivision was announced in 1967 and became the basis for famous 1973 monograph on Computation of Equlibrium, which launched the whole area of applied general equilibrium theory.

Scarf also provided the first proof of the non-emptiness of the Edgeworth's "core" in 1967. He had previously provided in 1962, followed by joint work with Debreu in 1963, the core convergence theorem for a replicated economy. His counterexamples of stability of equilibrium (1960) helped, in several ways, to bury that research program. He is also reknowned for his work on (S, s) inventory policy (1959).

In his later work, Scarf tackled the problem of production sets with indivisibilities (i.e. non-convexities), a problem that has bedeviled production and equilibrium theory for a while -- indivisibilities, after all, are the justification for technical increasing returns to scale. Resurrecting a result that he had found in 1963, Herbert Scarf (1986) noted that when such non-convex production sets are used, the non-emptiness of the core is not guaranteed. In order to handle non-convex production sets, Scarf has developed the method of "integral" activity analysis (e.g. Scarf, 1981, 1986, 1994).

Major Works of Herbert Scarf

Resources on Herbert Scarf

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